Heaven out of hell
15.12.10 | Author: Etha
E' un continuo sali e scendi, questa vita.
A volte sembra che il vento gonfi le vele, che tutto scorra facile e veloce. Siamo felici e quasi non riusciamo a cogliere i veri momenti di fortuna, di gioia.
Altre volte ci si sentiamo come se una montagna stia per caderci addosso e dallo spavento, rimaniamo immobili, inermi. Chiudiamo gli occhi e preghiamo affinchè possiamo soffrire il meno possibile.
E' divinamente ciclico, un infinito alternarsi di luce e di buio, accecante.
Ma se così non fosse, non potremmo mai distinguere il bello dal brutto, la gioia dalla tristezza.
Siamo solo esseri umani, con la nostra fragilità, le nostre incertezze, i nostri sbalzi di umore, le nostre debolezze.
Il tempo dà,
Il tempo toglie,
Il tempo cura,
Il tempo fa sperare.
Heaven out of hell - Elisa

So are you turning around your mind
do you think the sun won't shine this time
are you breathing only half of the air
are you giving only half of a chance
don't you wanna shake because you love
cry because you care
feel 'cause you're alive
sleep because you're tired

make heaven, heaven out of hell now ...

are you locked up in you counting the days
oh how long until you have your freedom
just shake because you love
cry because you care
feel 'cause you're alive
sleep because you're tired
shake because you love
bleed 'cause you got hurt
die because you lived

make heaven, heaven out of hell now ...

are you still turning around the same things
are you still trying that way
are you still praying the same prayers
are you still waiting for that same day to come

climbing the same mountain
you're not getting higher
you're running after yourself
can't let go
hiding in that place you don't wanna be
you push happiness so far away
but it comes back
to give you all that you've given before
to love you the way that you do, like a mirror
look in the air 'n catch that boomerang
can't fall anywhere else but in your own

and make heaven
heaven out of hell now
make heaven
heaven out of hell now...
make heaven heaven out of hell now
make heaven
heaven out of hell now
are you still waiting
make heaven
heaven out of hell now
are you still praying
make heaven
heaven out of hell now
are you still losing
make heaven
heaven out of hell now
make heaven
heaven out of hell now
I wanna fly because
I dream
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